Comprehensive recovery pathway improves patient outcomes in colorectal surgery
1. Length of stay, surgical site infection rate, and direct cost of care all improved with implementation of a colorectal...
1. Length of stay, surgical site infection rate, and direct cost of care all improved with implementation of a colorectal...
1. There was no difference between elderly patients (≥60 years) and non-elderly patients in the occurrence of adverse outcomes following...
1. Following stereotactic radiosurgery, tumor size was stable or decreased in 90% of schwannoma cases at last follow-up. 2. Smaller...
1. Radiographic evidence of matted nodes was a significant independent predictor for distant failure and case-specific mortality in patients who...
1. Extent of resection and preoperative tumor depth were significant predictors of improved 3- and 5-year survival in patients who...
1. Ninety-six percent of patients recovered their parathyroid function by 3 months following forearm parathyroid reimplantation surgery. 2. One patient did...
1. Obese trauma patients receiving ACEi/ARB therapy pre-injury had reduced leukocyte inflammatory markers including DL1, CD328, CD154 and CD47 and...
1. Breast reconstruction patients had an observed survival advantage over controls after adjusting for age, tumor size, lymph node status and...
1. Surgical resection of colorectal liver metastases was associated with a lower cost (€22,200 vs. €32,800) and increased quality-adjusted life-years...
1. Resident involvement was not a significant predictor of postoperative complications in the neurosurgical setting. 2. Much of the observed...
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© 2021 2 Minute Medicine, Inc. - Physician-written medical news.