Health insurance type associated with differences in infant mortality rates in the US
1. In this cohort study, patients with Medicaid insurance coverage had higher rates of infant mortality compared to those with ...
1. In this cohort study, patients with Medicaid insurance coverage had higher rates of infant mortality compared to those with ...
1. In this scoping review, spiritual care offered by the medical team typically led to more referrals to hospice and ...
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1. In this cohort study, over half of all beneficiaries of Medicaid in 2011 were still enrolled nine years later. ...
1. In this study, patients with high-deductible health care plans were more likely to delay seeking care for the treatment ...
1. The use of parent mentors resulted in a significant increase in the number of uninsured children obtaining insurance ...
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© 2021 2 Minute Medicine, Inc. - Physician-written medical news.